Top 5 academic reasons why this University Professor homeschools her kids
I study learning for a living and I don’t trust the school system to teach my kids? Why? Because schools do not create independent, innovating, stewards of the future.
Here are the top 5 academic reasons I homeschool

1. Lecture-style learning is outdated
Studies show that lectures promote linear thinking & poor conceptual understanding In other words, students learn to think like their teacher & not for themselves
2. Active learning is a superior way to learn
Active learning is any activity where students engage in learning through projects, discussion, & experiments Studies show active learning increases knowledge gained & retained Students learn deeper & keep that knowledge longer
3. Mixed-age settings promote learning & kindness
Mixed-age learning is any environment where younger & older students learn together Studies show that mixed-age settings increase learning for both groups because the older students teach the younger You learn most by teaching.
Moreover, studies also show that mixed-age settings promote kindness & community because older students start looking out for & taking care of younger students In other words, mixed-age settings create kind, community-minded learners
4. Student-directed learning teaches independence
Student-directed learning is any situation where students get a choice in the direction of study Studies show student-directed learning drives intrinsic motivation & enhances deep, applied knowledge
Teachers think students will not pick the "right" subjects but in my experience of doing this over a decade, students pick subjects MORE interesting than what I had in mind In other words, students develop a desire to learn, learn more deeply, & over a larger variety of topics
5. Homeschooling creates stewards of the future
Studies show that homeschooled adults are citizens of the world who love their neighbors & desire to make this world a better place. They actively participate in community & service at much higher rates than schooled kids
All of the above list is easily implemented in the home BUT can also be used in traditional classrooms! In my university classroom, I minimize lecture & use active, student-directed learning. I use mixed-ability learning & have community-building activities
If you are a teacher or a homeschooler, I hope you'll consider using some of these techniques Reach out if you need help.