Sounds like you’ve found a great set up! I have found that teaching print first and moving to cursive in third grade has been a seamless transition. It is also a really neat rite of passage for my kids to move into the “older kids group” in our homeschool once they begin cursive. I remember that transition fondly myself!
I love that! My oldest learned cursive first and it was way easier for her to transition to print later.. My youngest did the opposite and I think she'll mostly always write in print. It's not a huge deal but my oldest handwriting is so nice. She learned it at school before we homeschooled. I'm not sure it matters that much in the long-term as long as they develop that hand/eye writing technique =)
Sounds like you’ve found a great set up! I have found that teaching print first and moving to cursive in third grade has been a seamless transition. It is also a really neat rite of passage for my kids to move into the “older kids group” in our homeschool once they begin cursive. I remember that transition fondly myself!
I love that! My oldest learned cursive first and it was way easier for her to transition to print later.. My youngest did the opposite and I think she'll mostly always write in print. It's not a huge deal but my oldest handwriting is so nice. She learned it at school before we homeschooled. I'm not sure it matters that much in the long-term as long as they develop that hand/eye writing technique =)